Can you hear rain on your roof right at this moment? Many people in Australia have seen a lot of rain this week and are hoping the sun comes out again soon! I love the rain - I sit at my easel in front of a heater and listen to it on the roof, or watch the birds play in it out in my backyard. My biggest complaint with all this grey weather, is that I haven't been able to photograph my work for days which is a bit frustrating, because I do like to share! So while I have no real reason to complain now, I did live in the city just a year ago and remember some of the hassles that heavy rain would bring in the city, especially commuting to and from work. I used to walk to work from the train in Brisbane, and when it rained I was always amused by the sea of umbrellas that would seemingly appear out of nowhere. It would make me smile every time, like little lemmings they would pop up all around, sometimes there were so many, that if you happened to get caught in a shower without one of your own you could just duck from umbrella to umrella without really getting wet anyway! I'm not sure why, maybe because they were most readily available, but most of the umbrellas were black.. and I used to wish that there were some prettier colours to brighten up those dark, grey days. Enjoy these beautiful red umrella artworks, and have a happy weekend!