Hi there! I have a suprise today - something that I've been in the process of doing for months and months! I have officially moved over to my own domain, onto bigger and better things! As you would know my heart hasn't been here for many months, I've felt my direction changing and it's time to make the offical move! I've valued your friendship, and I hope you will follow me over to
http://www.deannamaree.com where I plan to continue blogging, but with much more dedication!
This blog will remain just the way it is - I often look back through my posts and see where my journey has taken me and how my artwork and outlook has evolved over time.
Just before I wrap up here though, I wanted to share this photo! I have been busier than ever before lately, and today I had my first ever stall at the markets!(The Olive Tree Markets). So here we are.. frantically trying to get everything together before opening time!