Hello there, guess what I've been doing? Lately I've been using every spare moment to work on a complete redesign of my blog. I figured it was time.. I have tossed up many ideas, and I'm still not sure what the end result will be.
I've thought about changing to wordpress, or starting a completely new blog with content that focuses on handmade/indie as a whole rather than my own artwork so much. I'm not sure which way my path is about to take career wise, but if I do keep blogging here under DeannaMaree, a blog makeover is long overdue anyway!
In other news.. I am so close to having prints available! Just in the process of finding the paper/canvas that produces the best print. Also trying to figure out how to make prints available in US letter size, and A4 as well. So keep dropping by, one day in the next couple of weeks I will start releasing prints!
I wanted to share this beautiful artwork with you today, by Jane Hill. I love her work because it combines so many of my favourite things - painting, home decor, flowers, colour, clothes, shoes... Have a look through Jane's portfolio here, or her Etsy shop here.